General Mills is a wonderful company to work for. They offer a lot of perks, including employee clubs and activities of all sorts. One funny activity that Brian forwarded me an email about (probably just because he thought it was silly) was a snowman building contest for employees during the work day. I thought it would make a fun family activity though, so team Hall met up a week or so ago on the day of the activity, geared up and ready to compete.

The snow was actually really powdery, and almost impossible to pack. We added lots of water, and scaled down our plans a bit.
I wanted to do something a bit more creative, but still simple enough that Felix and Ezra could help--and not get frostbite while we worked.
Well, our efforts paid off, because after the votes were tallied up (from employees who could see the snowmen from the cafeteria window), out little Upside Down Snowman took first place!

Super CUTE!!! Great idea!!! I will have to remember that one if we are ever in a snowman making contest in the future!
Wow, award-winning snowman builders! Way to go Hall Family!
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