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Friday, March 07, 2008

Some Funny Observations

Ever since Felix has been eating solids I've been feeding him all kinds of strange vegetables, like edamame and cabbage and brussels sprouts, and he's been eating them without a fuss. Each time he swallowed without making a face it reinforced my belief that I had really struck it lucky in getting a *special* baby who liked veggies. He would eat peas by the cupful, and snack on broccoli spears like they were a treat. Only I knew that it wasn't normal...

But then a week ago, when we were babysitting overnight for a friend, he changed his mind--and at a very inconvenient time too. We had just sat down to dinner, and I unveiled the vegetable: brussels sprouts. YUM. The two little boys (ages 5 and 4) let me know right away how they felt about the small cabbages, and so I said, "You only have to eat one each. But you might like them. Here, watch Felix, he loves them". I served Felix some cut up sprouts. He dutifully picked one up, put it in his mouth, and then, (gasp) made a face, took it out of his mouth, and deposited it on the floor, where it apparently belonged. Somehow I did get the boys to eat a few, with some help from Mrs. Salt and Mr. Pepper.

But Felix has kept up the newfound aversion, much to my dismay. Luckily it isn't all vegetables though. He'll still eat a little sweet potato and green beans, and other veggies when they're mashed up and mixed into stuff. And for some reason, he'll still eat mountains of peas, and fruit too, so I'm not too worried about him becoming vitamin deficient, just annoyingly picky...

But the funny thing is that he'll still eat any kind of vegetable when he can beg it off of me, no matter the form. It seems like he likes the treat of eating some of mom's food. I thought this was funny until I realized that I kind of do the same thing: For example, I'm a big fan of Whole Foods. OK, to be honest, I'm more of a fan of their ridiculously generous sampling policy. (Secret: sometimes Felix and I pretty much eat lunch there. Don't tell.) But I eat samples of things I probably wouldn't eat on my own, because things seem to taste better in small bites I guess. So I guess Felix is just becoming more normal. Really, I need to face the truth: normal kids do NOT like cabbage!

Another thing I've noticed is that he's a snacker. I've been a little annoyed by this, because it seems like he barely finishes a meal before he's begging for something I'm eating. How can he be hungry so soon?? But did you catch the clue? He wants what I'm eating, because I'm a snacker. I'd rather eat six or eight (healthy) snacks a day than have meals, especially because Brian hasn't been home for any meals for a couple of days now. (Betcha didn't know that part of the objective of business school is to fatten the students up with lavish meals, but apparently it is. It doesn't work on Brian though, probably because he uses recruiting events as lunch. And dinner. Then brings home the extras for me!) Anyhow, I've decided that if I don't want Felix to snack his life away, I'd better stop doing it.

OK, one last funny observation: I finally went running this morning, the first time in about a month. I've been itching to go ever since Ann Arbor became a tropical paradise (ie, reached 34 degrees), but today was the first day this week that Brian didn't have to be at school at 8:00am. This morning as I was jogging, I thought about how as a mom I need to find more efficient ways to exercise, because it's not always convenient to wait for the one day Brian has some time off. So I decided maybe I should stop driving to Kroger (it's all of a quarter mile away), and hovering around parking lots for 10 minutes trying to get a close spot, as if I'd die if I had to walk 20 more feet to the entrace of a store. I'm sure I could think of some other ideas too, like going on more walks with the Fe Man, and maybe even walking to the business school to meet Bri for lunch once in a while. Wow, those wheels are starting to turn! Now let's see if I can turn those thoughts into action.

Anyhow, that's enough rambling from me. Here's some pics of the Little MAN!

More soon!


Megan and Jeremy said...

I have to ask a stupid question, what is edamame? The "weirdest" veggie we fed Hyrum was okra, steamed and blended it up and oh boy did it look DEE-sgusting and somehow he choked some of it down. Well, gone are those days before he knew how to spit food out or just say "no way, mommy"

hilary w said...

Hi Laura! I love the BYU shirt on Felix. He is SOOOO cute! Keep posting pictures!

Brian, Laura, Felix & Ezra said...

Edamame are just a fancy word for soybeans, but they're ususally served in the pod (which is inedible) in Japanese restaurants for example, so it's fun ot pop out the beans and eat 'em. I could have just said soy beans, but that wouldn't have sounded as *exotic*!