What's this blog all about? Felix! And...

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

MS in Photojournaling (with an Emphasis in Felix)

I'm considering switching my degree. Then I could do what spend a lot of time doing anyhow, and not feel so guilty about it.
Well, at any rate, here are the latest montages of Felix's life! Now that these are done, it's back to my real thesis, the one in Marriage and Family Therapy...

Fun with Felix:

Crawling, Cruising, and Walking... An Evolution in Mobility:

Saturday, April 05, 2008

Thursday, April 03, 2008

A Video!

You look like you need to kick back and watch a montage of pics from the life of Felix Hall. Well, I have just the thing: Pics from when Felix was 4-6 months old. Honk the green clown nose to start!
(Note: it's about 8 minutes long, so you might want to run and grab the laundry out of the dryer to fold while you soak in Felix's adorableness.)