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Sunday, January 18, 2009

Ezra Jackson Hall

The newest installment to the Hall family joined us yesterday, January 17th at 8:43 am!

First the stats, with Felix's to compare:

gestational age: 37 weeks, 5 days (F: 37 weeks, 1 day)
weight: 5 lbs, 14 oz (F: 5 lbs, 3 oz)
length: 18 3/4 in (F: 19 in)
eyes: nondescript gray (F: ditto...his turned bright blue after a few weeks)
hair: tons of soft, dark, wavy hair, with some serious sideburns (F: a fair amount of dark straight hair)
features: Laura's eyes, nose, ears, mouth we think (F: a little Brian clone!) [this is so subjective, and could and does change over time!]
labor: 5 hrs start to finish--all of it pretty intense (F: 10 hrs--5 hrs of it intense)

Now the story:

I'd been having contractions off and on for a few days, but nothing continuous, although I knew from my last two OB checkups that I was moving in that direction. Then on Thursday I woke up at about 3:30am to increasingly strong contractions that were first 10, then 8 to 6 minutes apart. I tried to rest in between contractions, and began to realize that this was really labor!

By 6:30 things were getting painful, and so I let Brian know. I took a nice warm bath, which really helped me through those moderately intense contractions. I guessed I was at about 5 or 6 cm when I was through with my shower at 7:00, because the contractions took a lot of focus and effort to sort of “stay on top of” mentally, but they weren't horribly painful.

By 7:30 Brian was up, Felix was getting ready to go to our friend's house (with all of 5 minute’s notice…thank you SO MUCH, Shakespears!), and I was really having to work to get through the first few contractions of transition (7 to 10 cm), in between drying my hair and putting on makeup, of course. Brian was very supportive and helpful, switching from “super dad” mode to “super labor coach” mode as he got Felix ready and the car loaded up. From then on the contractions came about every 2 minutes, and lasted about 90 seconds… so not much regrouping time in between! And boy were they intense; it took everything I had to work through them. But I just kept thinking about the light at the end of the tunnel—how we’d get to meet our baby boy in just a few minutes!

So we arrived at the U of M hospital triage at about 8:15: 9 cm, 100% effaced, with the baby at a +3 station (as low as possible before pushing), and the amniotic sac bulging. So after about 4 more super intense contractions I was in a delivery room, and they broke my water. That triggered the urge to PUSH, and so I did! The doctor told me to “bear down” continuously, but I chose to listen to my body and line it up with the waxing/waning muscle tension during the contractions. (This might be too much info, but that really helped me not to tear much at all, the only thing I wanted to do differently this second time around!)

Well, after 2 or 3 pushes Ezra was born!!! He was placed him on my chest, and all I could think was how GORGEOUS and perfect and tiny Ezra is—and what a beautiful miracle labor, birth, and families are!

Momma and Ezra, a few minutes old

A rare glimpse of Ezra awake!


My little boys!

First bath--should I use the whole bottle of shampoo?!

Sweet baby Ezra

There's nothing in the world like a newborn babe


Carly said...

He's beautiful, Laura. And props to getting a post up so soon. You really are a super mom. I can't wait to talk to you, but I know you're really busy with adjusting and family right now, so just call me when you have a moment. Love you and your cute family!

Brian, Laura, Felix & Ezra said...

I accidentally deleted the comment Heather Schwendimann posted:
That is great news. Your baby is super cute and you look great!!

[Thanks Heather! It's the new baby adrenaline glow in the pics though... which wore off after 48 hrs and 2 hrs of sleep...haha!]

Alice said...

Adorable. Looks like Felix is going to be a great big brother.

Abbie said...

Congratulations! That is so exciting! He is adorable. I love the birth story. Birth truly is amazing (especially natural birth! I love it!) I'm glad things went well. Congrats again!

Unknown said...

Such gorgeous pictures! Thank you for doing this, it is so nice to be able to see pictures of little Ezra and all of you. :)

Natalynn and Paul said...

Congratulations Laura! He is adorable, and so tiny! Give him a hug for me.

Natalie said...

Yay for natural childbirth! :)

hilary w said...

Congratulations! What an amazing birth story. You make it sound so easy! :) I am so happy that little Ezra is here and that you are all doing well. I can't wait to hear more updates!

Megan and Jeremy said...

Yup now that we are hopefully contagious free we can come officially meet Mr. Ezra Hall (I'm so glad you decided on that name!) sometime soon. Let me know when would be a good day :)

Malesa said...

He is adorable. Congratulations you guys. My sister also named her baby Ezra. :)

Kimberly said...

He's absolutely beautiful! You have such a great family with two adorable boys! I miss you so much and I can't believe that you have 2
kids already which means that I haven't seen you in a very long time...way too long!

stephasauri said...

What a wonderful story and beautiful baby! Congratulations!