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Friday, January 21, 2011

Busy, Odd Day. Or, The Little Car that Couldn't

I could tell last night when I was folding this week's laundry that I had had a pretty easy week: the only clothes that came through of mine were 3 pairs of pj pants, 3 sweatshirts, and 3 pairs of fuzzy socks. And that's pretty much an accurate snapshot of what I looked like M-Th.

So today is Supermom day: I started off with my first ever yoga class at General Mills at 7am. I am totally converted. I already am totally in love with yoga! Since it wasn't a beginner's class, I was worried I would feel weak and inflexible, but I actually didn't feel too out of place. (Guess my daily grind as a mom keeps me in decent shape...) I was even able to do most of the advanced variations of the poses, like the crow pose!

I am really grateful to Brian who's willing to head in a bit later to work on Fridays for the next few months so that I can bring some balance back into my life, now that I'm not running outside regularly. I am looking forward to stretching, toning, and balancing my way to a better life. :)

Later in the morning, the boys and I braved the -20* (yes, NEG 20, eek) weather to head to Ezra's 2-yr well child exam. Another visit that confirmed I'm raising linebackers with big heads: both my boys are in the 75%ile for weight and head, with Felix in the 10%ile for height, and Ezra in the 25%ile for height. (For the record: Felix: 38 lbs, 38" tall, 20.25" head. Stats from 4-yr check-up a month ago. Ezra: 30 lbs, 33.5" tall, 19.5" head).

But hey, they're happy, healthy, intelligent, active linebackers--and they completely win over my heart every single day. Love my boyzzzz. :D

So this is where my day got odd. I drove out of the parking lot, and was about a block down the road when suddenly I heard my car alarm go off. (This is all the more odd because I barely remembered I had a car alarm. The battery died in my remote like 3 years ago, and after trying unsuccessfully to replace it I just took the remote off my keychain and figured anyone who went to the trouble of stealing my car could just have it. It would help me get a minivan sooner, right? Plus, I think the false alarm rate on car alarms is something like 99.97%, so its probably not the biggest deterrent to a would-be criminal. But I digress.)

Anyhow, so all of the lights in and outside of my car start flashing, so I shut my car off when I reach a stop sign. What's going on??! Then my car won't turn back on, and the engine won't even crank! Ahh! Why didn't we renew AAA this year! I'm stranded! I'm going to die in like 15minutes, it's SO STINKIN' COLD OUT!

So after like 10 minutes of panicking, trying to start my car, and trying to answer Felix's questions without showing my frustration, I finally remember to take a deep breath and say a prayer. I'm at a fairly busy four-way stop, and I'm getting a little annoyed by the dirty looks from other drivers who I guess assume I'm doing this on purpose?! (But it made me think that I'm often guilty too of not having as much empathy as I should for people who I perceive as being "in my way"...)

So just then this kind man and woman pull up and offer to help me push my car around the corner onto the less-busy road. After trying to figure out what to do next, they notice I have two little guys in the backseat, who are now crying because of the cold. They offer to drive me somewhere to call for a tow truck or ride, and then they offer to drive me home if its anywhere nearby. So, generally I wouldn't accept offers like that from total strangers, but... they were an answer to prayer, it was abominably cold out, I got the "trustworthy" vibe from them, and did I mention we opted out of AAA for the first time in our married life? So I didn't really know who to call anyhow.

So Mr. & Ms. Good Samaritan drove us home, and I was so grateful for it!

After getting home, I remembered that I was going to stop at the store and pick up some staples we were out of. So I decided instead to make a batch of whole wheat bread and 2 doz whole wheat tortillas. Now if I only had a cow, some chickens, and an orchard and vegetable garden that produced throughout the winter, I'd be set.

So, the icing on the cake of this busy, odd day is that tonight Brian and I have an appointment with someone that has to do with something I've been excited about for a little while now, but that I'll have to post about later.

How's that for a mind-boggling cliffhanger?

1 comment:

Rachel Smalter Hall said...

People who write mind-boggling cliff hangers leave themselves open to mind-boggling speculation : ) So glad you guys all made it home safely, and I can't wait to hear more updates about yoga class! I took a Tai Chi class at the YMCA a few years ago... it was at 6:45 a.m. with three sixty year old men. I liked Tai Chi, but I've often wondered if I would like Yoga even better. I bet all that stretching and flexing feels awesome.