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Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Family Home Evening to Remember

Opening Song:

Lesson: money management

Activity: driving to a car dealership in Bloomington to pick up the newest member of our family. (And cutting the biggest check of my life, so far... fun!)

Treat: It's official, we're a minivan family! (2005 Sienna Ltd... thanks to Brian's crafty haggling). It's been a loooong time in coming, and it's quite the step up from our 2-door Celica convertible that has seen better days. Our little car has served us well, but I am thrilled beyond measure not to have to toss my kids into their child seats anymore, to have a place to set my purse, and not to have my knees next to my ears when I'm in the passenger seat.


Bring on the road trips!!!!!!!!

Oh, and the baby!


charisse said...

Hooray! Happy Day :) It will be awesome for you.

Megan and Jeremy said...

I love the swagger wagon! I am seriously so impressed you guys stuck with that itty bitty car for so long! Enjoy your luxurious space :)

I must say you had me going a second about the new family member who sleeps in the garage. I thought could it be??? Has Laura succumbed to social pressure & bought a...DOG??? Shoulda known better!

Marcee said...

Yay!!! I am very happy for you! And for the example you've set for me!

ohiosupermom said...

Congratulations! Now when is the road trip to Akron? Thanksgiving?