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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

What are Brothers For?

Overheard as we were getting ready to leave for Lifetime Fitness today:
F: "Esra, pretty soon I'm going to go to school"
E: "Yeah! School!"
F: "No, only me. Not you. I'm going to go to school and play, and you're going to stay home and play wif yourself"
E: "Mm hmm!"
F: "But it will be ok, because then I won't hit you while I'm gone"

They really do get along most of the time!

Oh, and as a note, he's not going into Kindergarten for over another year, though he's reading like a pro and talks eagerly about school every day...


Carly said...

You guys have a Lifetime Fitness by you? So jealous. We had a membership there for 3 months but it was 35 minutes away so we had to drop it. Such a great gym, though.

By the way, I've gotten to see Laura Self AND Jennie in the past few weeks. Are you jealous? :) I think I'm due a Laura Grace visit.

dh said...


Be good to your little brother.

Uncle Dan